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An Educational Speak Out

In our multi-cultural, pluralistic society, can we can find universal religious values? When people’s consciousness is raised and new freedoms are brought forth such as the civil rights of Witches, it leads to issues of power, and a seemingly need to control power; either by justice or by prejudice or often by indifference.

We need to understand how our religious tradition of Witchcraft views the struggle for civil rights!

Will we ever see Catholics, Muslims, Protestants and Jewish religious leaders come together to speak out against the discrimination and bigotry towards Witches. If there is a threat to any minority group, it is a threat to all religious groups! There is strength in unity. Civil rights change begins in your own community, local education is needed.

Witches, by participating in civic community agencies and volunteer groups will then create acceptance. We need to be part of a active community because of equal rights. We need to review our power by insisting our civil rights are observed.

Our fight for justice and equality are imperative to our sacred ways. It is profound to continue our rituals and observances of our religious practices in the open and public to re-establish the voices of our Gods and Goddesses. Thus, building our communities within and combined with our local societies and our nation. Witches do not interfere with the practices of other religions.

You will never see a Witch religion war. No war shall be brought against the spiritual path of others – however, we shall majickally place protection shields around our people, families and homes to neutralize harm being sent or practiced by others.

We ask our Gods and Goddesses to protect us, give us justice, however, our request shall have to be correct in the eyes of our Gods and Goddesses and for the good of all. Witches have no right to revenge.

We know that a Witch understands their religious laws, and it is powerful to follow them; they have no need to do harm.

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